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Where did the women’s pulse go?

       There is no better place to feel the women’s pulse than in a women’s bathroom of any club in late hours of the night.  So in the last few hours of the last year, in one of those bathrooms, I ran into an interesting conversation – a good introduction for today’s story.
      - Listen to me, and listen well, make sure that a guy wishes you a happy New Year first.  Did you hear me? A guy must wish you a Happy New Year first! – A short dark haired woman was absorbing everything a tall brunette was warning her about.  For a second SteficaCvek ran through my head so I decided to get involved:
      - And why not a woman, a good woman? – I left them surprised, so they can note with their mimic-verbal expressions that they had thin lips, small breasts... I left to go dancing with good women, women that feel close to female dignity. Later I noticed that they sat down at the table with eight other women and one man.

      What has happened with women that they are walking in hordes, aggressive, angry, they attack, hunt for the next message of folk and pop hits that explain how they should step on, poison, kill, betray, everything just so they would be with a man. And have you ever asked yourselves is what you are hunting really a man? Do you really need a specimen by your side, or something more in life?

      You yourselves agreed to be the objects. Besides, it is in accordance with the way you behave.  You gave up on what really made you a woman, you gave up on women’s feelings.

      You use them to manipulate, and even this you are not doing well, because at the expense of that "I'm so desirable," you gave up the "I am the way I am". So the only thing that men can get from you is "vaginal manipulation".
      I don’t blame them for falling into absolute apathy in regards to everything with a female prefix, because all of it comes to the same thingfor each and every one of you.It all comes down to men not caringwho they will be with, so you used this to become enemies with other women.  So this considered the men are better, they do not even think about touching their friend’s girlfriend, but you are prepared to step on, kill, manipulate, because what if he is the one.  My dear ladies, the real ONE will never have anything to do with this.
      It may possibly push you, to show you that a hole is like any other hole. The one will not have anything to do with it because why would he need a person that is ready to betray, step on, lie, cheat, because he is aware that whoever is ready to this to anyone, at the first corner she will do him the same way, as soon as he does not meet even the smallest of her expectations.  You see THE ONE will not have anything to with it, and I say with it on purpose. 

      In your hoards you have sucked up to each other, you go hunting together for the male specimen, even if it’s just to show off or make yourselves feel better.  In your hoards there is no true empathy, real feelings, nothing true, as everything is just used for the hunt.
      If you don’t know what to do with yourselves, you should at least get a needle and thread, for starters, before you get to crochet hook for example.  Remember needle and thread ladies!

      You are addicted to maleshaft, you scream of not being fucked enough, but in actuality you are frigid castrators; at least be consistent in what you are and don’t complain when you receive a bill, as every kind of addiction costs.  Although, in your parasitic minds you are thinking that the pray should pay for this.  But, that’s a topic for a whole other story…

      Are you aware that as you are, YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO GET all that you should be getting as a gentle, dear, reasonable beings full of love?

      Listen, in order to come to the fact that you are truly a woman, with all those mentioned warm women’s attributes, you need to be ready, you need courage, you need to become a human being first.  Only then can you show all your warmth and tenderness of your hearts.

      Only then you are a woman, A GOOD WOMAN. 

     Prevod Sanja Stančić.
     Priču na srpskom možete pročitati OVDE. 


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