To this Shakespeare’s dilemma you will not get the answer from
To this seemingly trivial question, the
life itself answers.
Only love can save this world that is
falling apart each day more and more.
Not some illusory or far away, but real,
true love. It is easy to keep saving the
world, give to the beggar, worry about refugees from Syria. You do all this and
still you cannot sleep peacefully.
Love is when we love those close to us as
we love ourselves. To do the same for those close to us as we would for
Not what you think is “good” for that
person, but what that persons is asking for, what that person thinks is “good”
for him. This is what we should give to others. When you are giving, you are
not thinking about what and how.
The most you can do for another person is
to love them, just the way they are.
As soon as your brain is working instead
of your heart you did not give – you sold.
All evil in this world comes from not
Just look at multinational corporations.
They have grabbed so much, seized, that soon enough they will start charging
for air; and all this under a pretense of giving. Are you also going to act this way in your
micro-world? Or you are going to pay attention to people around you?
Just with the fact that these corporations
grabbed for themselves, right from the start they also lost everything. They
don’t have, and neither do you, the awareness of duration, or of here and now.
We come to this world with precisely
determined number of hours. The way we are going to spend that time is a
question of freedom that you came with when you came into this world. It’s a
question of choice if we are going to give, are we going to give ourselves?
We can receive in only one way, and this
is if we give. There is no other way.
If you start from a prospective that by
giving you will be hurt, you will be unhappy, that you will lose… make sure you
check with yourself are you really giving or just selling? When you are
expecting to get something in return, you are not giving, you are selling.
The one that gives does not think about
it. He gives, and he keeps on giving.
After giving there is more. After the sale, each subsequent door is closed.
I know that for many of you this is a
cardinal question. And I also know how much support many of you need in order
to give yourself, and not even for a moment think about – what next? This
should not worry you.
When a man truly gives himself, there is
no darkness, despair, misery, insomnia, anger, or fury...
He can only be sad, and pure sorrow is a
good feeling, a feeling that cleanses our emotions.
After sadness, there is more. After
previously mentioned emotions there is only a new wall, of course, with an old mind.
This world is dying. There is no new way
to make it better, the only thing we can really do, while not petting and
licking each other’s egos, is to give ourselves and everything we have to those
around us.
To give what we received when we came into
this world, we all have that.
Prevod - Sanja Stančić
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