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Manifesto - where is your life

         In order for a man to live he must first walk the edge of the abyss.
        Only then, after a good look into the crevicecan he separate from it and begin to live, unless the abyss pulls him in.

       A life cannot be lived unless one goes through all circles, the ones that have been brought and those newly created.
       There is only one road to freedom, and it leads through slavery.

       You blame everyone, you blame your parents, you blame the education, the system is wrong, the society is wrong, the earth, the planet... sounds made up - because it is made up.
       There is no blame, it's all life itself and everything is perfect in a perfectly possible world.
      You are studying history to tell you how to live. You read psychiatric reports, horoscopes, research, and you forget that by coming to this world you are given a chance ofonly one life, uniquelyyours.
      -You're a shot towards a man – as Hessewould say, the question is yours and only yours, it is up to you, will you take the chance?
       Life cannot be learnt, it is felt and it is lived!
      You concern yourself with everything else, especially with other people and their lives. As you are concerning yourself with them, your life ispassing you by, and others are concerning themselves with you. You haven’t even noticed but you are already running in a circle and it’s a questionof a millisecond when you will bite your own tail.
     You find others to be nice, ugly, dirty, stupid... you mire others, whichever categorization you choose, thinking that in this way you raise yourself.  Your ratings go up this way because everyone else is also enjoying the ridicule and hatred of everything that they themselves are. In others you recognize everything you yourself carry. What the Apostle Paul said to the Corinthians - we see everything as in the mirror. In this way you miss the only reason why you are responsible and why are you here - you miss life.
      You tied yourself to evil. You take to evil, and when the evil is taken, it takes even the black under your nail.
      By the time you understand this, you are already in the mud and sludge, and it's hard to get out of muck. Someone has to give you a hand, but how, when everyone around you is in the same muck, because everyone choses it.

      You expect, and expect a change to occur, but you do not move. The change comes from within you and not from your environment. You're seeing things upside down.
     You expect something from someone? You are expecting someone to tell you how to live YOUR lifeNOW! Shoot, they also expect this from you. It’s shameful to have expectations from another person.
      You have only one responsibility –to be ready for answers. It is a matter of delusion that there is more than one answer,this is your responsibility towards the one that has given you life at your disposal. It's up to you what you will do with it because he has also given you freedom - and you still claim that you do not have it.
      You think that you do not have it, because you have been under anarchy, insanity, chaos ...
      Freedom is respect for the law, and the law is in inside of you. It was given to you when you were given a life.
      Everyone has it;it is a matter of conscience why youare not using it.

      The biology subsumes a man under the conscious and reasonable being. I deliberately used the word subsumes.
     As for the base, I will quote Hesse –everyone is a hit of nature directed toward a man.
     And the man is a being full of joy and life.

     You mixed up the words.
    To begin with, let the good words sink into your flesh. Let the tears flow when you realize how long you've lived without them. They are needed to wash your body from what you've been collecting for years.
     When you let out your last tear, you will also get the question that you have stopped asking yourself - where is your life?
      Don’t look for the answers around you, they are not there.
      You will find the answers where your blood burbles the most.



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